What comes to mind when you hear the words ‘form creator’? Unless you’re a webmaster, you may not be familiar with the term, but it’s a piece of very useful technology that ultimately greases the wheels of a lot of… Lire la suite ›
For virtually all retail websites, contact forms, order forms or booking forms are a crucial operational feature. It seems strange, then, that effective form creators are so tough to track down. Well, reliable, responsive forms, including WordPress forms are indeed… Lire la suite ›
There are few sports that can be genuinely played by all ages and people of all fitness levels, but the family of cue sports definitely fits that bill. As they’re not ‘physical’ games in the same sense as football, badminton,… Lire la suite ›
There are a lot of misconceptions floating around about the flip book. One is that it’s an out of date format that is no longer popular with the general public. Another is that content creation is a complex business best… Lire la suite ›
Whilst water filters for fridges might not be your first choice of conversation topic, if you’ve a large fridge-freezer with a water and ice dispensing feature, it’s a subject that bears some careful thought. Many people with this kind of… Lire la suite ›
Zwar hat schon Marco Polo nach seiner Rückkehr aus dem Reich der Mitte davon berichtet, doch ist nur wenigen Europäern bekannt oder bewusst, dass in China bereits seit Jahrhunderten Weinbau betrieben wird. Um genau zu sein seit annähernd 2000 Jahren!… Lire la suite ›
Da oltre quindici anni la maison Lucrin si è specializzata nella realizzazione, dal concepimento alla produzione, di articoli di pelletteria di lusso. Da piccola azienda svizzera, si è ormai affermata con rappresentanti in oltre quindi paesi diversi. Lucrin è nota… Lire la suite ›
There’s probably no better place to go for a wide selection of caravan awnings and porches than eurovent-awnings.com. This French manufacturer produces quality products made from the best materials, whilst still managing to keep its prices reasonable. In addition to… Lire la suite ›
A fine anno, è buona prassi prevedere un regalo per i propri clienti come simbolo di ringraziamento della fiducia dimostrata con la regolarità degli ordini. Tuttavia, prima di scegliere un oggetto dozzinale o inutile, che resterà inutilizzato e che non… Lire la suite ›
Der Siegeszug mobiler High-Tech-Geräte, seien es Handys, Smartphones, Tablets oder Laptops ist ungebrochen. Heute besitzen über 60 % der Bevölkerung mindestens ein solches Gerät, meist sogar mehrere. Um diese Geräte zu schützen, wurden spezielle Hüllen entwickelt. Es gibt sie inzwischen in… Lire la suite ›